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Sr. No. Date Reminder Date Employee Note Created by Updated at Updated by
1 Mar 25 2024 02:57 PM Charlotte Groff Johnny called in wanting to know about his desposits from Friday and Saturday. He said he has not received them yet (9:55am). I explained to him that his deposits don't normally post until sometime around noon to 2:00pm but they have been sent. I confirmed the deposit amounts with him. Charlotte Groff Mar 25 2024 03:02 PM
2 Feb 20 2024 10:56 AM Charlotte Groff Johnny called about his deposits from Friday and Saturday stating that they weren't in his bank yet. I check Pioneer and did see that the deposits did go and told him that it's still early, but they should be there a little later today. Charlotte Groff Feb 20 2024 04:57 PM
3 Dec 12 2023 12:00 AM SBC/Ibuxx/3.95%/Valor100/Batch 6PM Central/Tips Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
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