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Sr. No. Date Reminder Date Employee Note Created by Updated at Updated by
1 Nov 15 2023 12:00 AM Charlotte Groff Sandy called in today to ask about her batch for 8/17/23, specifically a transaction for $48.24. She was questioning if she got paid for it. When I looked in Pioneer, I did see the transaction for that dollar amount and she did get paid for it, however there was coincidentally a chargeback that also came out that day for $48.34 on AmEx 1007. When I told her that, she said that this was exactly the dollar amount that she was off. She said she never got notice of that chargeback. I emailed SBC and requested a copy of the notice. Conrad sent it to me and I forwarded it to Sandy and then called her and told her. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
2 Sep 05 2023 12:00 AM Charlotte Groff Sandy called in and wanted to know how to pull her monthly statements so that she can see the fees for each month. She was already logged into Pioneer. I walked her through how to pull the statements and then download them so that she can print them. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
3 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM TT Mike, set up VT. He can't process through ethernet so I got them going through wi-fi until their IT person can troubleshoot their ethernet Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
4 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Tricia called in and said that this location is completely down and has customers waiting to pay. The terminal is saying No ethernet connection - the merchant has already reset his router and the terminal. Requested a var so that we can add VT to their profile so they can process cards until Mike can see what's going on with the terminal Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
5 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Georganna called and said that she did not get an emailed batch receipt for all of her locations for Thursday. She only received the Collierville one. I called Valor and they said that there were no issues that they know of but if it continues to happen to let them know and they'll open a ticket on it and investigate. She also asked about a refund for $472.03 that was processed on May 19th and was wondering why it wasn't held like others have been. This particular refund was for a transaction taken about a year ago on a different card. But the customer doesn't have the original card anymore so they refunded the customer's current card. I checked Pioneer and the refund was processed and not held for confirmation. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
6 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Sandy called in and wanted to know how they could get all of their monthly statements online. Sent her a Pioneer QRG and told her to register for Pioneer and then when she gets her approval email back to call me and I will have SBC link all of their locations together.UPDATED; Sandy emailed me back saying that she has registered and I sent a request to SBC to have all locations linked to her user ID Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
7 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Georganna called and wanted to know why the batch from 4/24, which had a refund amount of $779.78 was deposited as the full gross without the refund being subtracted out as Valor shows it. I explained to her about the tool that NCR has that looks for originating sale within last 180 days and then send that to SBC for approval. This refund was added to the 4/25 batch after Conrad approved the refund due to the entry method and sales volume. I told her to expect to have the refunds held at least 1 day for fraud prevention. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
8 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Changed auto settle to 9:00 pm CST per Tricia Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
9 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM SBC- Traditional- IP- Batch time 6:00pm Central- Pin Debit- Valor 100 Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
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