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Overrides who receive partial commission on all of SD Hospitality LLC Accounts


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Sr. No. Date Reminder Date Employee Note Created by Updated at Updated by
1 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Mike Thomas User: Mike Thomas -> Notes: Had terminal delivered by Express Courier Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
2 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Mike Thomas User: Mike Thomas -> Notes: Downloaded iCT220 IP SN: 735340CT078310 (1234567F 1) Manager PW 11739 Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
3 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Mike Thomas User: Mike Thomas -> Notes: Changed form dial to IP. Ran transactions all working. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
4 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Mike Thomas User: Mike Thomas -> Notes: Downloaded iCT220 S/N 7315335CT010291 (Parkway) Express Courier will deliver. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
5 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Alex Gibson -> Notes: SIC #7011 Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
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