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Overrides who receive partial commission on all of Liberty Place Accounts


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Sr. No. Date Reminder Date Employee Note Created by Updated at Updated by
1 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Dianna from - Notes: merchant called in to reactivate their account. I did an OSM. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
2 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Linda Billings from - Notes: Richard called and is at end of season. Wants de-activated on 10/30/2008. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
3 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Larry McNamara - Department: - Notes: Tt Richard yesterday (6/19/07), they were charged $12.00 statement fee, should have been $5.00. Dianna made correction, should show up on next month's statement. Dianna emailed merchant to let them know. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM
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