Created On Mar, 19 2023 17:21pm   ID #153 Back Download
How does the merchant process cards today?

Terminal No

Make/ Model -

POS System? No

POS Name -

Payment Gateway Or Online Shopping Cart? No

Name -

Any other Software? :

stripe payment gateway

Does The Merchant Want To Keep Their Current Equipment? :


Front & Back picture of terminal attached? :


Line Of Communication: Is Merchant Using IP :


Does Merchant Accept Gift Cards Or Want To Accept Them? :


Does Merchant have a need for ACH recurring billing? :


Does Merchant Need Next Day Funding :


What Pricing Program Does The Merchant Want? :

Traditional Pricing Program, PrimeBuxx, SimpleBuxx

Special Request :


MP / AP Name :

kuldeep b jain

RP Name :

navghan mdohwadiya

Terminal front Download

Terminal front

Terminal back Download

Terminal back