
Update Merchant

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Sr. No. Date Reminder Date Employee Note Created by Updated at Updated by Action
1 Dec 19 2023 12:00 AM Charlotte Groff Serena called back today and said that the cardholder from last week's issue of getting a decline on the refund for $213.91 still had not received her money. I asked Serena if she had attempted to run the refund again. She tried to process it again and it was approved today. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
2 Dec 12 2023 12:00 AM Charlotte Groff I received a call from Serena regarding an issue with a refund being declined for $213.91 on card 8057. The original sale date was 11/27/23. I informed her of the same thing that I had researched earlier. Suggested she call the cardholder to make sure that the card is still valid and she has the correct expiration date. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
3 Dec 11 2023 12:00 AM Charlotte Groff Received an email from Riley in Customer Care Center stating that she received a declined on a refund that she was trying to run. The original sale was from August 21 for $1013.22 on card 4510. I called Tsys to see why the refund was declined. They said that there was either incorrect information on the card or missing information. She said most likely it was due to either card being expired or it is now a cancelled card. I suggested that Binswanger try to contact the cardholder and see if card is expired. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
4 Nov 01 2023 12:00 AM Nov 01 2023 Mike Thomas TT Merchant and advised that I installed the latest version of BrodPos to their A80 and to make sure the terminal was turned on so the update will go through. This was per Charlotte as she had talked to the merchant and they had an issue with a transaqction. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
5 Aug 02 2023 12:00 AM Charlotte Groff Noticed merchant didn't batch for 7/26/23. Called merchant and spoke to Vivianna and she said that their terminal had been getting stuck on "Loading" after they would enter the card information so they unplugged it and had not been using it. Called Swipe Simple to report the issue and spoke to Joshua. During troubleshooting, we determined that TSYS did not have the "credit" in its app. We uninstalled and reinstalled both Tsys and Swipe Simple and the terminal was then able to run transactions successfully. However the batch that was in the terminal from 7/26 kept getting "no transactions in batch" before we reinstalled the apps. I sent an email to Worldpay to have them rekey the 4 transactions that did not batch from 7/26. A total of $240.82. SR52346222 is the ticket number for the rekey Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
6 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Serena called and needed to know if a customer had been billed in June. This was taken during the time that the terminals were having issues and cards were being billed that weren't showing up in Swipe Simple. I could not find the transaction in Swipe Simple, but when I searched IQ, I found the transaction she was asking about for $220.66 on card 9174 on 6/12/23. I emailed her a screenshot for her records showing authorization and settlement details. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
7 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Branch called in to say that they had triple charged a customer on yesterday's date, 6/14/23. 2 times on card 4204 for $900.00 each time and on a different card 0939 for same amount. She said when she tried to run the card 4204 she kept getting error, so she tried it again and got the same error. Then she asked for a different card. When I looked in SS neither of the 2 on card 4204 were showing up - only the 1 on card 0939. I checked IQ to see if the card 4204 batched. It showed 2 authorizations and only 1 settlement. I walked her through issuing a refund in TSYS on card 4204 for the one that batched and told her to tell the cardholder to call his bank and see if they will apply the authorization back to his account on the other one. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
8 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM TT Rita and confirmed a transaction for $391.53 went through and batched out Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
9 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Entered in sr to lower rate to go active 3/1. attached rate reduction form in documents and merchant file Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
10 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Charlotte Goff -> Notes: TT - Alice - She tried several time to run a refund for $52.99 on a card 6133 from 4/6. She kept getting declined. Looked at auth log in IQ and it showed that the refund was declined with code 57 - not permitted. Customer was there. He called his bank and they said there was no restrictions on his card. It was a business debit card. The customer had already left the store when Alice called back. I was going to walk her through keying the refund (all previous attempts were dipped or tapped) but she didn't have the full card number. She was going to call the cardholder to get the card number and call back. She has not called back yet Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
11 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Charlotte Goff -> Notes: noticed that 2/8 did not batch - called branch and there was no batch receipt on the terminal when they opened. She was there by herself and didn't have time to batch the terminal right now. She will try to run the batch as soon as she can and if she has any issues she will call back. Gave her the instructions on how to close the batch. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
12 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Charlotte Goff -> Notes: during daily audit noticed that 11/22 did not batch. Called branch and had them manually batch terminal. Batch out was successful Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
13 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Charlotte Goff -> Notes: during Daily Audit I noticed that 10/11 didn't batch - 3 transactions for $198.90. Called Branch and spoke to Alice. She said terminal was offline most of day yesterday. Had her manually batch out today and the batch included 3 transactions from today that were included with 11th. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
14 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Charlotte Goff -> Notes: TT- Alice - she wanted to know if she could run a refund for a partial amount on her virtual. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
15 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Mike Thomas User: Mike Thomas -> Notes: Removed Broad POS app and working Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
16 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Mike Thomas User: Mike Thomas -> Notes: TT Alice Pax terminal stays on loading transaction. We had wi-fi reset deleted and pushed app 3 times tried rebooting several time etc...we sent diagnostic report to Swipe Simple. Waiting on response back from them. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
17 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Charlotte Goff -> Notes: TT - Alice today. I haven't heard anything back from Swipe Simple regarding the Refund that they tried to run on 26th that ultimately errored out. Still no results on the Diagnostic test they had Rick send them. However I did walk Alice through how to issue a refund for the $166.13 via TSYS Sierra. She did get an approval and a printed receipt. I told her she needed to let Linda know that this refund was done but would not show up in Swipe Simple. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
18 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Charlotte Goff -> Notes: TT - Rick - wanted to process a refund on a card but no refund option was available. Confirmed that he was logged in as Branch user and that the transaction was run through the terminal. Pushed a new load to his terminal he logged back in and found the transaction. Refund option was available he clicked Refund keyed in card number etc and terminal sat for a couple minutes with Cancel? on the screen. After a couple minutes he hit cancel and tried again. This time when he opened the sale transaction and clicked on Refund again terminal said error - refund processing. Called Swipe Simple and they had Rick send them a diagnostic report. They said we would have results within 24 hours to determine if refund was processed or not. I was logged into Swipe Simple as the BranchUser for that store and couldn't see that the refund had processed. Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
19 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Mike Thomas User: Mike Thomas -> Notes: TT Alice helped her with a refund Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
20 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Morgan Withee User: Morgan Withee -> Notes: Put in request with iso client services to do a group address change to P O Box 171173 Memphis TN 38187-1173 Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
21 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM Mike Thomas User: Mike Thomas -> Notes: Turned off level 2 and 3 processing USA ePay Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
22 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Pennye McAnulty -> Notes: updated Tax id Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
23 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Pennye McAnulty -> Changed : Tax ID FROM 452494902 TO 45-2494422 Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
24 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Christina Sullins -> Notes: Legal Contact: Jennifer Thomas Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete
25 Aug 01 2023 12:00 AM User: Christina Sullins -> Notes: RT: 307070267 Acct: 76968107562 Dee Karawadra Jan 31 2024 01:39 PM Update Delete

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